Anime Blog and Game Blog

Anime Blog and Game Blog

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nichijou Episode 18

"Yeah, I'm amazing,"
4.25/5 (Awesome)

Again, Nichijou swoops into the week with another fantastic episode.

The scenes go by as listed
-Mio's Coffee Knowledge
-Yuuko's Embarrassing Trip
-Helvetica Standard (Book Trip)
-Helvetica Standard (This isn't coffee coffee!)
-Biscuit #2
-Tsundere and Imouto
-Trick or Treat
-Return of the PomPoms

The introduction of the new twintails character was great. However, the intro was overshadowed by the colossal joke in the end of the episode. Right before the credits, the show returns to the ship in the sky for some of the best hilarity in Nichijou. It was simply awesome. 
Halloween is serious s***

The consistency of Nichijou's entertainment is certainly an extraordinary feat by KyoAni. Especially after creating Lucky Star and K-ON, we were all expecting something similar (well, except for the ones that read the manga). Boy were we wrong. Not only is Nichijou better than Lucky Star and K-ON, but it is easily one of the most entertaining shows ever created.

The only thing I was disappointed with in the episode was just how they recycled the bunny dance segment. I wished they made a new dance, but it is such a small complaint that I don't even know why I'm mentioning it.
Nichijou logic is the RIGHT logic

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