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Anime Blog and Game Blog

Friday, July 15, 2011

Anime Review: Toradora

Lots of awesome female characters in this show btw...
*Spoiler Alert*

Story: 9.7
Art: 9.6
Music: 10
Characters: 9.7
Overall: 9.7/10

25 Episodes

Toradora was a spectacular surprise. It gave drama, it gave emotion and it gave a great plot that drove me through all kinds of sensations. (Pffft. What a weird way to say it...)

Daww,,, Palmtop Tiger

This series is similar to Clannad in its organization; it uses the first half to develop the characters and buildup the settings of the story, then the final half completely obliterates the expectations of how deep the story could get. And the only reason the story ever got so good is simply thanks to its great characters: Takasu Ryuuji and Aisaka Taiga. These two were just absolutely fantastic in a number of ways.

One: They deter from floundering stereotypes of the modern moe anime era.
Two: Their characters actually develop and is easily seen throughout the series.
Three: These characters don't act outside of their character and don't act stupid during serious scenes.

Admit it. They're cute together.
Takasu Ryuuji was, at first, a generic main character that is "misunderstood". The stereotype that was generated by Angel Densetsu and company. But then the character was reformed with a synaptic sense of growth. First he was, quite frankly, a bit indifferent with the things around him, but as he started to grow, his sense of care and his sense of action leapt forward. From the beginning, he was helpless with the "scary" Ryuuji caricature, but then he starts running away from home and getting married. That's a huge change.

Aisaka Taiga was, at first, the annoying tsundere that was overbearingly violent. Much like her predecessors Shana and Louise, she controls much  like a brattish moron that can't learn her place. But she grows to become more soft and more concerned with the people around her. I remember in the beginning when she started out meeting people by punching them (like Ryuuji), but then later on, she found her friends and developed a softer personality that empathized a lot stronger towards the people she so hated. Before, she could never get herself to respect her new father. Later, she learns to respect her parents and to work hard for their support in her marriage.

A great cast for a great series.

The side characters get their time as well. Kitamura Yusaku gets his development with the Student Council Pres, Minori gets her development with Taiga as they exasperate their unequivocal feelings for Ryuuji. Actually, though, now that I think about it.... Ami got little development, and as much as I like her, she needed a bit more... But that's a small complaint in the whole scheme of things.

Taiga is pretty cute btw...
This story is extraordinary. The writing is well done and shows each characters emotions with great finesse. The art is great for its unique sense of style and smooth, controlled animation cutscenes. The music was amazing. I still remember the violin solo that played along Taiga's realization for her feeling for Ryuuji and it was extremely heartwarming.

Overall, it was a beautiful ride from start to finish and really gave me an enjoyable and memorable experience. It was certainly a fantastic ride and deserves my recommendation to anyone, even for those that are not into drama, romance, and slice of life.

Enjoy a happy married life and live happily ever after~~~


  1. it's reminds me of my high school days. what a surprise to the anime world to for the creation of this kind story! more power for you guys!!!

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